Want to Thrive on TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube? 7 Tips
An Arizona agent with 427K TikTok followers says a lot of her leads come from parents who say their child saw one of her educational posts and told them about it.
An Arizona agent with 427K TikTok followers says a lot of her leads come from parents who say their child saw one of her educational posts and told them about it.
Agencies can’t ding credit scores of owners skipping monthly payments via forbearance. As a result, their scores are up 14 points; non-forbearance owners are up only 7.
As more urban dwellers moved to small towns with affordable home values, investors moved with them. In many smaller towns, more first-timers are losing bids to cash investors.
A rising cost for lumber has added thousands to the price of a new home, and an ongoing U.S.-Canada dispute could make things worse. Pres. Trump raised tariffs to 20% in 2018 and later lowered them to 9%. The Biden Admin. now proposes an 18.32% tariff.
When private insurers cancel a policy, homeowners should find replacement coverage ASAP to avoid forced insurance that can cost up to 10 times as much.
Consumers won’t pay sales tax for many disaster supplies starting Friday, a back-to-school holiday is in Aug., and a new July holiday nixes sales taxes on leisure events.